Understanding the customized features of the file uploader Uploading a file is a simple task. There are several ways to do it, and these different approaches have different effects on …

Understanding the customized features of the file uploader – Deploying and Managing Complex Libraries on Streamlit Share

What is SHA-256 and why should we use it? 2 – Creating a Secure Login and Signup Process for Web Applications
Figure 13.1 shows all these steps, from creating the new directory to installing the required libraries: Figure 13.1: Virtual environment and app.py file preparation Now, we are ready to edit …

Creating the Sign Up menu – Creating a Secure Login and Signup Process for Web Applications
Creating the Sign Up menu The logic is the same as that for the Login function but we must make a couple of changes, as shown in the following code: …

Adding a graphical user interface 3 – Creating a Secure Login and Signup Process for Web Applications
Here’s what we are doing in the preceding code: At this point, we’ve finished coding. We can try out the entire set of features of the web application, starting with …

Understanding new features related to deep customization – Customizing Pages, Personalizing Themes, and Implementing Multi-Pages
Understanding new features related to deep customization For this chapter, no new packages are needed – all we need is Streamlit. Let’s start by creating a new empty Python file; …

Passing a variable from one page to another – Customizing Pages, Personalizing Themes, and Implementing Multi-Pages
Passing a variable from one page to another Multi-pages is something very powerful since it is possible to pass variables from one page to another. Let’s learn how to leverage …

The classic approach 2 – Enhancing Web Apps with Forms, Session State, and Customizable Subdomains
Let’s use the following code to see a little example in action and understand more. Start by writing the following code: Figure 15.9: Session State in code The idea behind …

What are customizable subdomains and what possibilities do they offer? – Enhancing Web Apps with Forms, Session State, and Customizable Subdomains
What are customizable subdomains and what possibilities do they offer? We have already deployed two applications on Streamlit Cloud: the NLP App and the COVID-19 Detection Tool. So, we are …

How and when to use our web app working template – Takeaways and Conclusion
How and when to use our web app working template There are some operations that we must always do, such as preparing the virtual environment and installing all the proper …

How and when to use databases and advanced skills – Takeaways and Conclusion
How and when to use databases and advanced skills In Chapter 13, when we talked about login and signup, we explained how to deal with databases in Streamlit, while in …
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